Live Works Summit 2021

Treffen und Tagungen , Laboratorien

Kuratiert von Barbara Boninsegna und Simone Frangi

mit Mackda Ghebremariam Tesfau’ und Justin Randolph Thompson für Agitu Ideo Gudeta Fellowship

Arstist3 > Noor Abuarafeh, Joannie Baumgärtner, Julie Béna, Madison Bycroft, Buenos Tiempos, Int. / Marnie Slater & Alberto García del Castillo, Sergi Casero, Gabriele Rendina Cattani, Ivan Cheng, Giulia Crispiani & Golrokh Nafisi, Selin Davasse, Thais Di Marco, Clementine Edwards, Astrit Ismaili, Göksu Kunak, Ursula Mayer, Jacopo Miliani, Dina Mimi, Josèfa Ntjam e Joar Nango, Ada M. Patterson, Vincenza Perilli, Harilay Rabenjamina, Olia Sosnovskaya + Free School of Performance con Mackda Ghebremariam Tesfau’, Onyeka Igwe, Krystel Khoury, Kathryn Weir, Justin Randolph Thompson, Vincenza Perilli


Dienstag, 9. Juni 2021 

Madison Bycroft / opening exhibit + performance +The fouled compass – film session

Donnerstag, 10. Juni 2021 

Onyeka Igwe / The names have changed including my own and truths have been altered, Justin Randolph Thompson / Doan yu tell no one I made it – film session, Madison Bycroft / exhibit, Josèfa Ntjam + Joar Nango / opening exhibit, Josèfa Ntjam / Liquidity – performance, Olia Sosnovskaya / Citing sources, Dina Mimi / Grinding the Wind

Freitag, 11. Juni 2021

Josèfa Ntjam + Joar Nango / exhibit, Madison Bycroft / exhibit, Julie Béna / Anna & the Jester in Window of Opportunity + The Jester and death – film session, Noor Abuarafeh / The ghost of the missing is gazing towards us Since yesterday, Göksu Kunak / Cabaret Portrait: Döner Blackout III, Astrit Ismaili / MISS

Samstag, 12. Juni 2021 

Josèfa Ntjam + Joar Nango / exhibit, Madison Bycroft / exhibit + performance, Ursula Mayer / Gonda – film session, Giulia Crispiani & Golrokh Nafisi / The city we imagine, Thais Di Marco / Blood shower

Sonntag, 13. Juni 2021

Josèfa Ntjam + Joar Nango / exhibit, Madison Bycroft / exhibit + performance, Jacopo Miliani / Deserto + Hand Performance + Teorema Teorema Teorema – film session, Thais Di Marco / Blood shower  – installazione, / MY HONOUR IS SAFE, Buenos Tiempos, Int. _ Marnie Slater & Alberto García del Castillo / El público


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