
The Ecomuseum is an environment, not only in a physical sense, but also as a twist of human events.
It is an expression of man and of nature as everyday life happens, and traditions and culture evolve.
It is a lively place, whose inhabitants have decided to convey their own history and identity.

It is an interpretation of special spaces and places, we ought to know and admire but, most of all, experience.

It is a full-immersion in nature, in old town centres - that are wisely enhanced -, in artisanal workshops, in very close contact with the local people.
The Rete degli Ecomusei del Trentino (Network of Trentino's Ecomuseums) connects the eight Ecomuseums that have been acknowledged in the Autonomous Province of Trento and that are active presences in the area. The Network, which has been originated in the project "Mondi Locali del Trentino" ("Trentino's Local Worlds") wants to be an instrument of debate, exchange of experiences and mutual support for Trentino's Ecomuseums in their path of growth and activity.

To learn more about it: