Hydraulic sawmill and Daprai mill - Bresimo

The mill, recently renovated, has two millstones and a machine for polishing barley

Amongst all the water-powered machinery once working on the Barnés stream you can still see a functioning Venetian sawmill and the Daprai water mill. The first, owned by the council, was still running until the 1980s. It had sufficient water to operate throughout the year and produced tables for the towns needs. Particularly interesting is the elevated wooden mill-stream which follows the entire route from the river water intake to the water wheel. The mill, recently renovated, has two millstones and a machine for polishing barley. On display are the tools used by the miller. Rye, wheat and barley have been sown for demonstration purposes in an adjacent field to retrace the chain that leads from grain to flour.

source www.museosanmichele.it

opening times

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday

For the visit
Laura Incerti 348 / 8585755
Comune di Bresimo 0463 / 539060

organized by Museo degli usi e costumi della gente trentina