Mill "La mil" - Roveda - Bersntoler Museum/Valle dei Mocheni museum
Small mill with three wheels driving two grinders and a "pestino" for barley
Near the path that connects Roveda to Falesina, the Mòchen Cultural Institute/Kulturinstitut Bersntol has restored a number of mills in the valley of the Mòcheni that were active until a few years ago. Three wheels drive two grinders and a "pestino" for barley. Information panels present and explain the characteristics of the instruments and tools exhibited used in various phases of the grain cycle. Around the building there are experimental plots for the cultivation of traditional cereals.
Nell’anno 2015 la MIL resterà chiusa per lavori alla strada prospiciente
organized by Mocheno cultural institute / Bersntoler Kulturinstitut