Mill "Molin de Pèzol" - Pera di Fassa

All the tools and accessories for the initial processing of flour and for the maintenance of the system are carefully exhibited with notes on information panels.

The interior of the mill, restored in the 1980s and again in spring 2003 by the Ladin Cultural Institute as a local section of the Ladin Museum of Fascia, has the traditional mill structure with millstones, the pestino for pearling barley, and the stones used for grinding wheat, rye and corn. All the tools and accessories for the initial processing of flour and for the maintenance of the system are carefully exhibited with notes on information panels.


opening times

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday

From 11 June to 10 September
Monday 10.00
Thursday 21.00

organized by Museo degli usi e costumi della gente trentina