A crumb of a museum - Stenico, Patòn

Collection of objects associated with work and various relics and curiosities of the rural world

Gino Sicheri (Bascher) has devoted much of his spare time to collecting objects associated with work and various relics and curiosities which he has organised in a small museum - a crumb of a museum - in a room of his house, each accompanied by a caption. Thus, among many tools, along with scythes, hoes, sickles and shutters that recall work in field and wood, there are planes and chisels for carving wood, and combs, spinning wheels and reels for processing textile fibres. Then there is the plate rack full of all the pottery used in cooking, with pans and water buckets, and stone containers for the storage of walnut oil. Lastly game trophies, including the skull of a bear. From this example of popular collecting one gets an interesting picture of the traditional economy of the area too. 

source www.museosanmichele.it
visitable: by previous booking | suitable for: families - schools

opening times

To book, please telephone Gino Sicheri: 0465 771209, 347 4519136

organized by Museo degli usi e costumi della gente trentina