Museo della civiltà solandra (Museum of the Val di Sole Civilization) - Malè
The museum houses sections dedicated to the agro-forestry system, handicrafts and the rural home environment.

On the ground floor of a building that used to be used by the Austrian army as barracks, you’ll find the Museo della Civiltà Solandra (Museum of the Val di Sole Civilization) which was created by the Centro Studi Val di Sole, a cultural association. The museum opened in 1979 and was then enlarged in 1983. It hosts a permanent exhibit of objects that were commonly used in the past. All of the tools, objects and, instruments in the exhibit are divided into different sections: tools used to secure basic necessities (agriculture, dairy production, wood), crafts and trades (carpenters, blacksmiths, coppersmiths, shoemakers), weaving and spinning.
Two important areas of a traditional Val di Sole home, the kitchen and the bedroom which were called the «stua» have also been reconstructed with great care and attention to detail. Of particular interest is the area dedicated to the famous mycologist Giacomo Bresadola (born in 1847 in the small hamlet of Ortisé in Mezzana and then died in Trento in 1929), known as the «mushroom priest».
We recommend that guests contact the organizers of each event before booking in order to verify in which languages the guided tours or activities will take place.
Notes on the accessibility to the site
Free admission for visitors with disabilities and their companions (a certificate of invalidity is NOT required).
Admission to the Museum is free of charge.
The Museum is located inside the building that houses the Municipality of Malè, which can be accessed through a 117 cm wide door. The entrance door of the Museum is preceded by the indicated step. The indicated ramp is removable and allows inside the museum to overcome 2 steps of 15 cm.
Information collected by the staff of the Cooperative Handicrea