Centro Congressi Piné 1000
Luogo ideale per incontri e manifestazioni, convention e meeting, concerti, mostre, proiezioni cinematografiche, rappresentazioni teatrali
Il Centro Congressi Piné 1000 è ideale per incontri e manifestazioni, convention e meeting, concerti, mostre, proiezioni cinematografiche, rappresentazioni teatrali.
Notes on the accessibility to the site
The indicated lift gives access to the upper floors: on the mezzanine floor are the foyer, the cinema/theater and the terrace; the 2nd floor comprises the conference room and wheelchair accessible toilets. The mezzanine floor can be reached also from an external staircase (19 steps – riser: 17 cm).
The cinema/theatre has one level seating and large aisles: the dedicated wheelchair locations are provided in the central part and in the back rows. The stage can be reached via a 5,68 m long ramp with a 17% slope.
In the conference room, the access to the stage is by means of a portable ramp with a length of 152 cm and a 12% slope.
The indicated wheelchair accessible toilets are located on the mezzanine floor and fitted with a grab bar installed on the side of the wc opposite to the one approached.
Information collected by the staff of the Cooperative HandiCREA