Theatre Auditorium Fausto Melotti
Spazio concepito come un grande anfiteatro, che si adatta a vari tipi di avvenimenti culturali.
L'auditorium è uno spazio, concepito come un grande anfiteatro, che si adatta a vari tipi di avvenimenti culturali quali concerti di musica classica, convegni, proiezioni cinematografiche, musica contemporanea, teatro e danza moderna.
Notes on the accessibility to the site
The indicated parking space is lcoated in Corso Bettini. On the way to the theatre, there are storm drains with a difference in level of 2 cm. The entrance door has a vertical handle mounted from 95 to 123 cm above the ground, and remains open during the performances. The Auditorium has a tiered seating layout, but offers wheelchair accessible locations in its higher part. The access to the stage is via a portable ramp. The lift allows to reach the exhibition halls near the Foyer and the toilets. The indicated wheelchair accessible toilet is in the basement and is fitted with hand shower and grab bar installed on the first approached side of the wc.
Information collected by the staff of the Cooperative Handicrea