2016 Geology Thursdays - Last meeting: “Val di Stava Dam collapse”

Memory… and awareness, responsibility and prevention

Meetings and conferences
I giovedì della geologia 2016 [ Fondazione museo civico di Rovereto]

1985 Origin, causes and responsibility of the Val di Stava dam collapse

With graduate Graziano Lucchi, President of Stava 1985 Onlus Foundation 

For teachers each meeting counts as refresher course.

For students attending the triennium of the intermediate school, this series of meetings represents an educational path. At the end of this round they will be assigned a certificate, they can include in their after-school activities portfolio (for the attainment of course credits).

Meeting Hall Fortunato Zeni

Foundation Civic Museum of Rovereto

Borgo Santa Caterina 41
38068 - Rovereto TN


tel. 0464-452800
e-mail biglietteria@fondazionemcr.it


Free entrance