Annual Conference in Memory of Valeria Solesin
Come on girls, let's work! Allez les filles, au travail! Forza ragazze, al lavoro!

The University of Trento, with Ca’ Foscari University of Venice and the University Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, are pleased to announce the second Conference in Memory of Valeria Solesin, the young Italian researcher who was killed in the Paris terrorist attack at the Bataclan theatre on 13 November 2015.
Valeria Solesin was born and raised in Venice, earned her Bachelor’s degree in Sociology from the University of Trento and was completing her doctoral thesis at the University Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne on contemporary fertility behaviour in Italy and France.
Her main research interests included gender inequalities in the labour market, family and fertility decisions and behaviours, welfare policies.
The purpose of this conference is to remember Valeria Solesin by giving young researchers an opportunity to present and discuss their work on recent developments in the fields of demography, economics, and sociology.
Contributions can be theoretical, empirical or policy-oriented, and those addressing the following specific topics are particularly welcome:
- gender inequalities
- the role of women in the labour market and in society
- welfare policies targeted to the labour supply of women and fertility decisions
- marriage, family and sexuality
Young scholars, PhD students and postdocs, are encouraged to apply.
At 12:45, in the presence of authorities and of Mrs. Luciana Milani, the square by the new hall of residence in via Lampi will be named after Valeria Solesin.
Valeria Solesin Best Paper Award
Four selected papers will be presented at the conference and considered for the “Valeria Solesin Prize”. The prize winner, in addition to travel and accommodation expenses, will receive an award amounting to 3,000.00 euro.
Scientific Committee
- Gabriella Berloffa, University of Trento
- Agar Brugiavini, Ca’ Foscari University of Venice
- Virginie De Luca Barrusse, Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne
- Eleonora Matteazzi, University of Trento
- Renaud Orain, Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne
- Cristina Orso, Ca’ Foscari University of Venice
- Simona Piattoni, University of Trento
- Barbara Poggio, University of Trento
- Stefani Scherer, University of Trento
Ufficio Equità e Diversità, via Calepina 14 - Trento
organization: Università di Trento