Antonella Bertoni and Michele Abbondanza interviewed by Angela Finocchiaro

Mr Spectator: fair questions about contemporary dance 

Meetings and conferences

A project to bring people closer to dance, organised by Ater Foundation, will start on Monday 25 January at 17.00: Michele Abbondanza and Antonella Bertoni will answer Angela Finocchiaro's questions about contemporary dance.

Moderator: Marilù Buzzi, director of the magazine Danza&Danza.

The questions that no one dares to ask, but which we often think about, will finally be answered.

The two coreographers will be connected from the Teatro Zandonai in Rovereto and the talk will be visible for free on  and

The event is entitled "Mr Spectator: fair questions about contemporary dance"

A large proportion of spectators believe that they are not suited to contemporary dance, which is often regarded as an elite art, difficult to understand, far from the general public who feel excluded from it.

This is the introductory appointment of the project "Contemporary dance instructions for use": six exploratory paths in the company of the critics of the magazine Danza&Danza, promoted by ATER Fondazione and the well-known specialist magazine, which will include six didactic meetings on the Zoom platform (limited number, registration required) on the history of modern and contemporary dance conducted by some of the leading dance experts in Italy: Maria Luisa Buzzi, Francesca Pedroni, Silvia Poletti and Carmelo Zapparrata.

The meetings will be held every Thursday from 28 January to 4 March - already sold out, but there are plans for a repeat performance - and will outline the guidelines of 20th century dance, with an eye to the Third Millennium. The aim is to stimulate knowledge and curiosity about contemporary dance in a historical perspective, through the analysis of pivotal figures, styles, currents and movement techniques that are still relevant today.


 talk will be visible for free on  and