Archaeology & ethnography itinerary


Tuesday 6 October

Le voyage de Kgonta Bo, le chaman/
Kgonta Bo's journey, the shaman
Country: France / Director: Kate Tompson
Gorry / Runtime: 52’ / Year of production:
2013 / Production: MC4

La piedra ausente/ The abstent stone
Country: Mexico-USA / Director: Jesse
Lerner and Sandra Rozental / Runtime: 82’
Year of production: 2013
Production: The American Egypt
Scientific consulting: Sandra Rozental

Amhya - Share
Country: Myanmar / Director: Mya Darli Aung
Runtime: 18’ / Year of production: 2014
Production: Yangon Film School


Wednesday 7 October

Easter Island: mysteries of a lost world
Country: Scotland / Director: Spike Geilinger
Runtime: 88’ / Year of production: 2013
Production: Iwc Media

Country: Spain-Chile / Director: Paco Toledo and José Domingo Rivera / Runtime: 72’
Year of production: 2014
Production: Ando Liado S.L.U


Thursday 8 October

Tà gynaikeia. Women's matters
Country: Italy / Direction: Lorenzo Daniele
Runtime: 52’ / Year of production: 2015
Production: Fine Art Produzioni Srl
Scientific consulting  : Alessandra Cilio

Ainu. Caminos a la memoria
Ainu. Paths of memory
Country: Spain-Japan
Director: Marcos Pablo Centeno Martín
Runtime: 82’ / Year of production: 2014
Production: Ni Corto, Ni Largo Films
Scientific consulting: Phillipe Dallais and Dietmar Grundmann

Friday 9 October

Nunatukavut's people
Country: Canada / Director: Mario Blaser
Runtime: 45’ / Year of production: 2012
Production: Lisa Rankin

Peoples hanging in the balance
Archive footage: Centro Studi e Ricerche Ligabue
Country: Italy / Director: Sergio Manzoni
Runtime: 50’ / Production: Centro Studi
e Ricerche Ligabue
Scientific consulting: Giancarlo Ligabue

The art of Gandhara. A bridge between the East and the West
Country: Italy/Pakistan
Director: Maurizio Pellegrini and Nasar Sheen
Runtime: 15’ / Year of production: 2014
Production: Istituto Superiore per la
Conservazione e il Restauro (MiBACT i.e. Ministry for Cultural Assets and Activities)

The triumph of nothingness
Country: Italy / Director: Silvano Agosti
Runtime: 30’ / Year of production: 2014
Production: Edizioni l’Immagine

organization: Rovereto civic museum foundation