Ars venandi

Cultural exhibitions and events
[ “© Castello del Buonconsiglio, Trento”]

Hunting was one of the favourite activities of the guests who attended the summer residence of the Prince Bishops. Thus, hunting will play the main role for two days, in which visitors at the castle will enjoy charming performances of falconry and training of flying animals. Such events will also help the audience learn about the birds of prey in our area, which unfortunately are at risk of extinction because of the continuing threat of man and of the environment.

In a tent, actor-hunters will prepare their tools and in the evening, around the fire, you will listen to them telling  stories about the art of hunting, accompanied by the music and by the smells from the kitchens.

Castel Stenico, just like the other three castles, will also offer a special area with games and activities for children.

Hunting point with animations, demonstrations and educational activities with the "Compagnia d'arme et Caccia" (10 re-enactors and a tent)

Antica Marca Alata”: this company will present six flight demonstrations of birds of prey per day, and a night show on Saturday night.

"The village of games” by the Compagnia S. Giorgio e il Drago: 12 ancient games and entertainers in period costumes.

Nespolo, the jester

The stories’ room” : readings about hunting, wiyh three actors and a musician

Bruno,  the special herbalist

Hortus Musice: itinerant musicians


full price ticket: € 7,00 – reduced price ticket: € 5,00