Beforehands, afterwards and now
A show by and with Federico Benuzzi

A 26-year-old boy who played the violin, with passion but not with talent, a lover of women and a lover of knowledge, brilliant in his own way, and precisely because of this misunderstood, a boy like many others who was not afraid to dream and think big. This was Albert Einstein when, with just a few powerful pages, he created a profound revolution that changed our technology, our way of thinking, our conceptions of the world. Above all, he revolutionised the concepts of time and space.
Tickets can be bought online here* from 01/06/2021, or at the secretary's office of the Teatro Portland from Monday to Friday from 15.00 to 19.00 and up to one hour before the beginning of the performance.
Further ticket sales points can be found at the theatres of Pergine and Villazzano at the times available on their respective websites.
Tickets: Full price ticket: € 13
Reduced price ticket (over 65): € 11
Reduced price ticket (Newsletter, Carta in Cooperazione and Arci members): € 11
Reduced price ticket (employees at Opera Universitaria and University of Trento): € 9
Reduced price ticket "Card dei Teatri": € 9
Reduced price tickets Portland members: € 6 *
Reduced price ticket (under 18 and with student's card): € 5
The possibility of booking is reserved for Portland members only. For information on terms, benefits and membership, please click here:
To ensure participation in safety, the Teatro della Meraviglia Festival has drawn up an anti-covid protocol*: seats are limited; we recommend purchasing tickets online well in advance.