Book presentation: "On the paths of the shepherds. Hiking itineraries to discover the inscriptions of the shepherds of the Val di Fiemme"

Giovanni Keizich and Marta Bazzanella present the book "Sui sentieri dei pastori"("On the paths of the shepherds") at the theatre of the parish church of Panchià

Meetings and conferences , Book presentation
[ Museo degli Usi e Costumi della Gente Trentina]

Giovanni Kezich and Marta Bazzanella will present the guidebook “Sui sentieri dei pastori. Itinerari escursionistici alla scoperta delle scritte dei pastori di Fiemme“ ("On the paths of the shepherds. Hiking itineraries to discover the inscriptions of the shepherds of Fiemme") in Panchià, at the theatre of the parish church on Thursday 22 August at 20.30. 

The pocket size book, curated by Marta Bazzanella for BQE edizioni, focuses on an extraordinary and unique phenomenon which is visible on the heights of Mount Cornón in the Fiemme valley of Eastern Trentino. There lies a high chalk massif situated above the communities of Tesero, Panchià, Ziano di Fiemme and Predazzo on the valley's right side which has been intensively cultivated in the recent past through a forestal-pastoral economy. Thousands of still visible inscriptions remain up there which bear witness to transhumance and local pasturage activities. There are initials, symbols, dates, names, tallies of livestock, animal figures and greetings.

The book, published at the end of 2018 (curated by Marta Bazzanella, ethnoarchaeologist of the Museo degli Usi e Costumi della Gente Trentina (Trentino Folklife Museum), with introduction by Giovanni Kezich, museum's director, aims at accompanying the average hiker and their family to discover the inscriptions of the Cornón, along 8 routes which are suitable for the whole family. It allows you to admire at close range some of the most beautiful decorative inscriptions of the whole mountain.

The guidebook can be found in the museum's bookshop and in the bookshops of the val di Fiemme.

organization: La serata è promossa dal Comune di Panchià, in collaborazione con il Museo