Déjame que te Baile

The one-woman-show from Jerez de la Frontera presents for the first and exclusive time in Italy her latest creation, accompanied by six extraordinary musicians

Dance , Opera and modern ballet

After a recent injury at his knee, Israel Galvan had to suspend his tour, which had scheduled his dance show Le edad de oro on Tuesday 12 April in Trento.

The Centro Servizi Culturali S. Chiara has immediately looked for a dancer of equal artistic value for its audience, and on the same day has scheduled an exclusive performance by Mercedes Ruiz: tonight she will in fact present for the first time in Italy her latest creation, accompanied by six extraordinary musicians

Mercedes Ruiz is a famous dancer of modern flamenco. She was very young when she was awarded the prize “Antonio Gades” at the 16th Contest of Córdoba (2001); in 2002 she won the first prize at the  alla Biennial of Siviglia and in 2003 the “Premio Rivelazione” at Venencia Flamenco.

Audience owning the ticket for Israel Galvan’s show - LE EDAD DE ORO – are thus allowed to theatre for  Mercedes Ruiz’ exhibition 




Central full price € 25 – reduced price agr. € 22 - reduced price > 65 € 20 - reduced price < 26 € 15

Lateral full price € 23 - reduced price agr. € 20 - reduced price > 65 € 18 - reduced price < 26 € 12

Gallery full price € 18 - reduced price agr. € 16 - reduced price > 65 € 15 - reduced price < 26 € 10

organization: Centro servizi culturali S. Chiara