Discovering the collections of the Museo Diocesano Tridentino

Cultural exhibitions and events , Guided tour

Every Friday in February the Museo Diocesano Tridentino (Tridentine Diocesan Museum)  proposes a themed guided visit to its collections and to little-known aspects of the artworks kept in the halls of Palazzo Pretorio.

Tesori di fede: ori, argenti e reliquie (Treasures of Faith: Gold, Silver and Relics)

With Alberto Lai

The subject and focus of the visit will be the precious and interesting works of goldsmithery kept in the Tridentine Diocesan Museum, in particular those linked to the cult of relics, whose historical events and artistic aspects will be examined, as well as their links with the religious and cultural aspects of the city of Trento.


Ogni visita guidata ha un costo di 3,00 euro a testa; gratuito per possessori della tessera-abbonamento del Museo.

Agli abbonati, inoltre, sarà dato in omaggio il catalogo della mostra Sidival Fila. Opere a cura di Domenica Primerano e Riccarda Turrina (Trento 2019).

Booking required by email to:

For safety reasons, the maximum number of participants is 15 people.