Discovering the collections of the Museo Diocesano Tridentino

Cultural exhibitions and events , Guided tour

Every Friday in February the Museo Diocesano Tridentino (Tridentine Diocesan Museum)  proposes a themed guided visit to its collections and to little-known aspects of the artworks kept in the halls of Palazzo Pretorio.

Che Dio ci aiuti. La peste ed altre epidemie: storia, santi e rimedi raccontate attraverso le immagini (God help us. The plague and other epidemics: history, saints and remedies told through images)

With Chiara Radice

The outbreak of the pandemic has brought back memories of tragic episodes from the past that we thought were buried and unrepeatable. Epidemics, which at more or less regular intervals devastated our territories, were an integral part of life in past centuries, and their reverberations can be seen in some of the works of art in the Museum, which tell us about them, with more or less direct references.

Starting from the observation of these artworks, the guided tour will reveal to participants what we have learnt from history, how old some of the solutions adopted in recent months are, the heroes of yesterday, what historical and artistic evidence documents the terrible times of the plagues, and how our past continues to be a starting point for reading the present.


The guided tour costs € 3,00 per person.

Free admission for the museum's season ticket holders, who will furthermore receive a small present: the catalogue of the exhibition Sidival Fila. Opere (Sidival Fila. Works), curated by Domenica Primerano and Riccarda Turrina (Trento, 2019).

Booking required by email to:

For safety reasons, the maximum number of participants is 15 people.