FAI Spring days 2023 - 31st year

Cultural exhibitions and events , Guided tour
Chiesetta di S.Siro, Lasino [ https://fondoambiente.it ]

National event of active participation and public fundraising

The FAI Spring Days are now the symbol of a collective vocation for Italy: the care and enhancement of its cultural heritage.

This now well-known and well-established event involves hundreds of thousands of citizens every year in the discovery of their local areas. It will take place thanks to the commitment and creativity of thousands of FAI volunteers, who will also flank an equal number of Italian school students - the so called Apprendisti Ciceroni (Apprentice Tour Guides) - who have been training for the occasion. The event is also based on the participation of hundreds of institutions, associations, public and private organisations, which in ever-increasing numbers, year after year, offer their collaboration, by making available places, resources and expertise. As a matter of fact, they recognise that this is a unique and unmissable opportunity for promotion and revitalisation, and a good practice for "the most beautiful country in the world", for everyone’s benefit.

Thanks to the FAI Days, unknown and abandoned places have returned to the public's attention, and this has sometimes changed their destiny, and places closed to the public, traditionally not considered cultural heritage, have discovered instead that they have a cultural value to be promoted and, above all, shared. This broad and transversal participation, guided by a civic feeling of pride, belonging and responsibility, makes the FAI Spring Days a success.

Tour route: "All'ombra dei Madruzzo" ("In the shadow of the Madruzzo family")

The places that can be visited are:

- church of San Siro in Lasìno;

- village of Lasìno with a guided walk (the history of the village, the murals, the sculptures by Francesco Trentini, the altarpiece by Andrea Pozzo in the parish church);

- church of Santa Maria Lauretana in Castel Madruzzo.

The guided visits by open donation (from € 3) are curated by the Guides of the Association of Tourist guides of Trentino and by the volunteers from FAI and FAI Giovani.

SPECIAL EVENTS: guided visit to Castel Madruzzo - exclusive opening for FAI members

The visit is reserved for FAI members and can be booked online at www.giornatefai.it, where you can also find all the information on the places open in Lasìno, Castel Madruzzo and throughout the province.

But that's not all: on the occasion of the FAI Spring Days, it will be possible to visit in the town hall of Lasìno, the evocative exhibition space La dòna de 'sti ani , which re-proposes a domestic environment of the past, in the 1950s, with its old furnishings, room, living spaces and the memory of the 'laóri', i.e. the typically female household occupations.

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The FAI Group of Rovereto and Vallagarina offers two days of guided tours of the Church of San Rocco in Volano and the Church of Sant'Ilario Vecchia in the hamlet of Sant'Ilario in Rovereto.

Visits to the churches of San Rocco in Volano and Sant'Ilario Vecchia in Rovereto: Saturday 25 March (14.00-17.30) and Sunday 26 March (10.00 - 17.30).

Visitors taking part will be gathered in groups (no booking required), at the FAI desks in front of the churches. Open donation (from € 3)

Information: roveretovallagarina@gruppofai.fondoambiente.it

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The  FAI Group of Val di Fiemme and Val di Fassa proposes two guided tours in Ziàno di Fiemme to discover the small village, on  25 and 26 March (in the morning).

Meeting place in Ziàno di Fiemme, in Piazza Italia.

In the afternoon, a guided walk will be dedicated to the Church of Madonna di Loreto, which is rich in  important artworks, to the town's ancient millraces, which provided water for the numerous factories. Then the route will continue to the hamlet of Roda, Church of Sant'Anna, and will end in the hamlet of Zanolìn, to admire the 19th-century frescoes and discover the history of the Sawmill of the Magnifica Comunità.

Meeting point in Ziàno di Fiemme, in Piazza Italia.

Visitors taking part will be gathered in groups (no booking required), at the FAI desks. Open donation (from € 3)

Information: valdifiemmevaldifassa@gruppofai.fondoambiente.it 

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The FAI Group of Val di Sole and Val di Non proposes a series of guided visits to Pellizzano, to the Gothic-Renaissance church of the Natività di Maria and some old houses including the Guareschetti, Tomaselli and Gaggia houses.
Visits on Saturday 25 March and Sunday 26 March: 10.00 - 12.00 / 14.00 - 16.00. Visitors taking part will be gathered in groups (no booking required), at the FAI desks in Piazza Santa Maria in Pellizzano. Open donation (from € 3)

Special events

Saturday 25 March at 15.30: visit to the restored Caseificio di Castello cheese factory (hamlet of Pellizzano), and cheese tasting with food blogger Davide Zambelli.

Event upon booking www.giornatefai.it.  Open donation from € 5

TERMENAGO - Sunday 26 March at 14.30: walk from Pellizzano (piazza Santa Maria) to Termenago, to learn about the art of ancient terracing and dry stone walls. Followed by a visit to Termenago. Children will have the opportunity to enjoy the telling of the story "La Gnoma Mogna" and to get a snack.

Open donation from € 5. Information: valdisolevaldinon@gruppofai.fondoambiente.it


On the occasion of the Spring Days, do support the FAI National Trust of Italy with a discounted membership fee (€10 off all fees), with a free contribution by taking part in the event and, until 2 April, by sending a SMS or a call from a landline to the number 45584. The value of the donation will be € 2 for each SMS sent from WINDTRE, TIM, Vodafone, iliad, PosteMobile, Coop Voce and Tiscali mobile phones. It will be € 5 or 10 for calls from the fixed telephone network TIM, Vodafone, WINDTRE, Fastweb and Tiscali and, again for the fixed network, € 5 from TWT, Convergenze, PosteMobile.

Discover more at www.giornatefai.it or get in touch with the FAI in Trento via email: trento@delegazionefai.fondoambiente.it or in the Facebook pages - Delegazione di Trento.