Food and landscape
reflections of certain dietary practices in Trentino

The exhibition proposes an interpretation of the relationship between food and landscape through the presentation of some of Trentino's practices.
The exhibition "Food and landscape: reflections of some dietary practices in Trentino" is the result of a project by tsm|step Scuola per il Governo del Territorio e del Paesaggio in collaboration with the Trentino history museum foundation.
The production of food is one of the main human activities in the construction of the landscape, understood as cultural and natural heritage that can generate well-being and quality of life for the community and the individual.
The exhibition has mainly an educational purpose and encourages the visitor to go "beyond the plate", to reflect on the value of food and the quality of living spaces. The consumption of food and the transformation of the landscape represent, in fact, two of the most urgent challenges at local and planetary level, which concern our ability to connect in a responsible and conscious way the memory of the past, the choices of the present and the planning of the future.
The exhibition is made up of 6 sections which, with texts, images, drawings and illustrations, offer an in-depth look at the Alpine territory, food practices and the mountain people.
Exhibition curated by Alberto Cosner und Angelo Longo.
Free admission | Green pass required