"Glances at the shepherds’ writings" in Predazzo

Meetings and conferences , Book presentation
[ METS - Museo etnografico di San Michele]

The long research carried out by the METS - Trentino Ethnographic Museum on the almost 48,000 thousand messages painted on the rock of Monte Cornón in Val di Fiemme is really engaging.

Over more than five centuries, starting around the mid-1400s, shepherds left inscriptions and marks using red ochre mixed with sheep's or goat's milk.

The research, summarised in the volume 'Sguardi sulle scritte dei pastori' (Glances at the Shepherds' Writings), will be presented in the Council Chamber of the Town hall of Predazzo on Friday 19 May at 20.30.

The curator of the research and of the volume is Marta Bazzanella, METS conservation official. The event will take place with her and archaeologist Enrico Cavada.