In the garden of delights

In the garden of delights of the Stenico Castle

Cultural exhibitions and events , Workshop - suitable for families
[ Archivio fotografico Castello del Buonconsiglio Monumenti e collezioni provinciali - tutti i diritti riservati - A. Ceolan 2011]

An adventure to discover the properties and uses of the various species of edible and medical herbs that grow in the woods around the castle (in particular in the Botanical Gardens of the Adamello Brenta Nature Park). It will also be an opportunity to listen to a thousand stories about this botanical heritage that grows spontaneously in the Alpine valleys and has been for centuries a source of food and natural remedies for our people.
There will also be a workshop to let children and their families learn about the magical properties of these herbs of the mountains and countryside of Trentino.

Info and bookings:
from Monday to Friday from 14.00 to 18.00; freephone number: 800-013952

Admission ticket: 5,00 € ; reduced price ticket: 3,00 €

Booking is recommended for the workshops 

organization: Provincia autonoma di Trento