Lights and shadows of the wood...a travelling exhibition

An exhibition of wood sculptures from the sculpture symposium of Tesino - 18th year 

exhibition , Art exhibition

The exhibition started at Palazzo Roccabruna in Trento, and now the second exhibition of the XIII edition will be hosted at the Spazio Erika Klien in Borgo Valsugana.

The exhibition wants to represent and make known the different expressions that wooden sculpture can assume, through several leading interpreters of the national scene. It also wants to tell the strong link between the soul of the Alpine populations and the forest.

The works of the four winners of the last edition of the Tesino Symposium will be exhibited: Marta Fresneda Gutiérrez, Jitka Kůsová-Valevská, Ionel Alexandrescu and Marta Zucchinali, and with the participation of Giorgio Conta

The exhibition will later be held:

from 2 March to 2 April, in Faenza (Ravenna) – Palazzo Baldini – Rossi di Muky;

from 5 April to 12 May, in Dozza (Bologna) – Rocca Sforzesca

and from 18 May to 18 July, in Fiumalbo (Modena) – Ca’Silvestro Visitor Centre and mountain hut

organization: Centro Documentazione del Lavoro nei Boschi