Mario Brunello, National Chamber Choir of Armenia directed by Robert Mlkeyan, Gevorg Dabaghyan Duduk Trio

I Suoni delle Dolomiti: the music festival in the mountains
Music and nature in unison
Every summer in Trentino, music and nature come together on the natural stage of the Dolomites. Join the musicians and climb the paths to the alpine meadows, clearings, hollows and peaks. Up there, where music intertwines with the landscape, plays with the echoes, and flies away on the flurries of the wind.
We are preparing to return to the scene in the summer of 2022. It will once again be the encounter between beautiful things that exist and beautiful things that are created. See you soon!
Source and further information here:
The Sounds of the Dolomites is a project of communication, of cultural and environmental tourism conceived and curated by Trentino Marketing together with the Tourist Boards of Val di Fassa, Val di Fiemme, San Martino di Castrozza, Passo Rolle, Primiero and Vanoi, Val di Non, Madonna di Campiglio and Dolomiti-Paganella; with the collaboration of S.A.T. Alpine Club (Società Alpinisti Tridentini) - section of Trento; Mountain Huts Association, Trentino Mountain Guides, Trentino Mountain Rescue Service, Trentino Red Cross.
Art director: Mario Brunello