Mountain huts yesterday and today. A historical journey through architecture, culture and environment

First stage in Val di Fiemme of the exhibition curated by the cultural association Cantieri d'alta quota.


Through sixty-four large canvases, the exhibition retraces - in time and space - some milestones in the history of the construction of mountain huts along the Alpine chain; it’s a sequence of striking vintage prints and drawings, as well as recent colour artistic photos.

The exhibition showcases the mountain huts of Valtellina, Ticino, Belluno, Cuneo, Vallecamonica and Friuli; in particular, the mountain huts of Trentino are enriched by a detailed account carried out in occasion of the international symposium Rifugi in divenire (i.e. Mountain huts in evolution), which took placein Trento in 2013, organized by Accademia della Montagna del Trentino with scientific consulting by Cantieri d'alta quota .

organization: Muse Museo delle scienze