New instruments for new music

Music by Hans Raecke

Hans Raecke [ Associazione Ars Modi]

with Hans Raecke: piano, Orion's harp, valve-metallophone, bamoo "bombard" - Ingo Wackenhut: tenor

Composer and pianist Hans Raecke from Berlin is known throughout Germany for his very original research on new musical instruments, which he himself has created; on this occasion he'll play his Orion's harp, valve-metallophone, bamoo "bombard", and together with tenor Ingo Wackenhutt, he'll give a concert with his own music, as well as music by Hans Arp, Christian Morgensen, Kurt Schwitters, Joachim Ringelnatz.


Free admission with open donation

part of: Katharsis 2018

organization: Associazione Ars Modi - Trento