On the streets of Trento on the track of the Simonino (Simon of Trent)

Cultural exhibitions and events , Guided tour
[ Museo diocesano tridentino]

On the streets of Trento on the track of the Simonino is a historical and artistic itinerary to visit the places which were the venue of the story of Simon of Trent. The itinerary starts from the wooden low relief preserved in the museum and curls through the streets of the historical town centre involving via del Simonino, the low relifes at Salvadori Palace, St Peter’s Church and the Chapel of Simon, which has been opened extraordinarily on this occasion. This place, usually closed to public, preserves an important cycle of paintings dating back to 1669 by painter Pietro Ricchi, known as Il lucchese (“The Luccan”). The itineraray ends in Vicolo dell’Adige, where a memorial plaque affixed by the Municipality of Trento commemorates the sorry business that signalled the relations with the Jewish Community.


Events calendar

Saturday 5th March, at 10 - On the streets of Trento on the track of the Simonino

Saturday 12th March, at 10 – Andrea pozzo in Trento and the church of S. Francesco Saverio

Saturday 19th March, at 10 – From the Basilica to the Cathedral: the history of a church and its square

Saturday 2nd April, at 10 – The venues of the Council in Trento



Tridentine Diocesan Museum

Piazza Duomo, 18 (Cathedral Square) - 38122 Trento

tel. 0461.234419


To attend the meeting it is necessary to book by calling at the number 0461.234419. It is possible to join one or more itineraries. The cost of each meeting is 5 Euros. All the meetings begin at 10 at the museum’s ticket office.