Paper marbling and binding

As part of the exhibition Colori fluttuanti. La carta marmorizzata tra Oriente e Occidente (Floating colours: the marbled paper between the East and the West), the Buonconsiglio Castle offers three exclusive meetings with artists and experts to disclose to the public the secrets of the different techniques and the history of an ancient and fascinating art.

Meetings and conferences

Expert in luxury bindings for bibliophiles, Fabrizio Bertoletti has refined the technique of paper marbling by creating ancient and modern papers, with great skill and originality.

After each event, participants can enjoy an appetizing "marbled" aperitif by ConviviaFood.


€ 10,00 per person

Seats are limited - Booking required

Museum’s office for educational activities: tel. 0461 492811 Mon-Fri: 9.00-13.00