Ritorno al padre (Back to the father)
Presentation of Loretta Zanella's book
Renzo Dori, president of APSP M.Grazioli (Povo) meets the author
Readings by Roberto Maestri, Teatroovunque
"Back to the father" is the story of the suffered love of a daughter for her father.
The book traces the life of this man, from his childhood to its end: a difficult and tragic childhood, the desire for redemption, absent mindedness of adulthood and the last years of life with his daughter, son in law and his loved grandchildren.
Those were beautiful and intense years, until when the beginning of the disease started, which the family used to call "Mr. Alzheimer's" and who, in just a few years, took the man away, despite the "normality" of daily life. This final phase of this man’s life was characterized by love, irony, happiness as well as affliction.
Free admission
organization: Provincia autonoma di Trento, Soprintendenza per i beni culturali, Ufficio beni archeologici