Sapere aude! Becoming wise and creating a library

Guided (and playful) tours with theatrical performance of the exhibition "I Volti della Sapienza" (The Faces of Wisdom).

Cultural exhibitions and events , Guided tour

The way to wisdom is long and rough: for the exhibition "The Faces of Wisdom," il Funambulo proposes an interactive visit that, in a playful way, stages the spectators' completion of this road.

Participants will see themselves engaged in a game of philosophy, or love (‘filo’) for wisdom (‘sofia’), on the trail of the illustrious figures presented in the exhibition.

Focus on books and love for books that still many of us feel, broadening our gaze to modern philosophy and literature.

It is but a game, of course, lighthearted yet instructive, which mixes high and low registers, philosophy and art, diversion and insight.

This guided visit 'Sapere aude!' takes its name from Horace's maxim that we can translate as "Do have the audacity to know"; it is above all a different way to discover the exhibition, its themes and some of the works on display.

The texts, with extensive use of quotations from the original works, are by Guido Laino, who will be on stage with Giuliano Comin and Beatrice Elena Festi; the illustrations and graphic materials, prepared for the occasion, are by Nadia Groff.



€ 5,00 per person

Seats are limited, so booking is recommended. Online bookings and ticket purchase on


Castello del Buonconsiglio, monumenti e collezioni provinciali

Via Bernardo Clesio, 5 - 38122 Trento
tel. +39 0461 492811