The Lodron family in Trento: art, memory and dynastic power

Cultural exhibitions and events , Guided tour - suitable for adults , university students
Sala del Palazzo Lodron

With this meeting we'll learn the history of this important family of Trentino through a journey that will end in the frescoed halls of Palazzo Lodron in Via Calepina. It is a building of considerable historical and artistic importance for the series of paintings adorning the ceilings and friezes of the halls; it is definitely the most important building of the second half of the sixteenth century in our region.


5,00 €

To attend the meeting it is necessary to book by calling at the number 0461.234419.

It is possible to join one or more itineraries. The cost of each meeting is 5 Euros.

All the meetings begin at 10 at the museum’s ticket office.

organization: Museo Diocesano Tridentino