Travelling Solar Cinema 2017 - 19 August

Cultural exhibitions and events - suitable for families , children
At 18.00

Games and drawing space for children

Visit to the solar truck in the heart of the solar cinema

Exchange without boundaries collection of school material


At 19.30

Charity dinner (open donation)

Music with Angelo Franchini (accordion)


At 21.00

Film Reset - A class at the Svalbard by Alberto Battocchi (52’, 2017)

A science professor suggests an adventure to his class: an education trip to the Svalbard Islands, in the Arctics. It's a long journey made of fundraising, study, research in the field, and genuine astonishment for the discovery of those habitated lands, situated northernmost in the planet

(Translation by Nicole Pasquali and Lisa Todeschi, Language High School Trento - Sophie M. Scholl, "School and Work" Project)

organization: Nuovo Cineforum Rovereto, Bambini nel Deserto, Trentino e Cinéma du Désert