Ursus Party. Stories of bears and people from prehistory
An afternoon of activities and games to tell the story of the ancient link between humans and bears through the research of museum experts

URSUS PARTY is an afternoon of activities and games to tell the story of the ancient bond between humans and bears. Workshops, quizzes and research by museum experts will draw in participants in discovering the behaviour, characteristics and stories linked to one of the most iconic animals of the Alps, the bear.
For the occasion, admission to the museum is at a reduced price.
The programme is rich and for all tastes: with the workshop "Create your own bear!" you can give shape to your own image of the bear using recycled materials such as leaves, bark and wool threads.
In "Walk like a..." it will be possible to try your hand at walking like four animals on the carpet of tracks: bear, hare and other inhabitants of the forest... who walks in the strangest way?
Space for in-depth study with Open Lab: "Archaeozoology... what a difficult word!". A researcher will reveal the tricks and secrets of this fascinating scientific discipline.
"What's hidden in all those drawers?" With the MUSEum in the drawer, among interesting facts and thematic trolleys, you can discover, get to know and explore unique finds.
After learning more about how many and which bones make up the skeleton of a bear in the workshop "What bones tell us", you can test your knowledge of the relationship between man and bears in prehistoric times with the Prehistory Quiz.
Within the programme, Bears&Human project will be an information corner on the research project investigating the relationship of our prehistoric ancestors with bears, funded by CARITRO. Experts will be on hand to recount the adventures of Palaeolithic bear hunters, and how the skulls of plantigrades were used at the Ledro pile dwelling site.
One adult with underage children € 7
Two adults with underage childreni € 14
For info and bookings: MUSE website