Voglio la luna (I want the moon)

Progetto "Diritti negli occhi"

Drama - suitable for children , families
[ teatropirata.com]

Teatro Pirata (An)
Voglio la luna (I want the moon)
Conception and direction: Simone Guerro, Lucia Palozzi
Dramaturgy: Simone Guerro, Lucia Palozzi
Performers: Diego Pasquinelli, Fabio Spadoni, Simone Guerro
Staging and illustrations: Ilaria Sebastianelli, Alessio Pacci
Technique: “Teatro d'attore e di figura”
Photography: Silvia Romitelli

From the age of 4



Full price € 6 – reduced price 3-12 year-old kids € 4 - 0-3 year-old kids and up from 4th children free

organization: Centro Servizi Culturali S. Chiara