Whodunit Dinner at Palazzo

Cultural exhibitions and events
Castello di Avio ©Silvia Papesso [ Archivio FAI]

Friday 24 August from 19.00: aperitif and special guided visit to the Palazzo Baronale; after that, Whodunit Dinner for visitors who will turn into detectives to look for the murderer and motive of a mysterious murder.

Information and bookings: Castello di Avio, via al Castello, Sabbionara di Avio (Trento)

0464 684453; faiavio@fondoambiente.it

www.fondoambiente.it    - www.serefai.it 

  • € 50,  full price ticket;
  • € 45, reduced price ticket  (aged 4-14);
  • € 45, FAI members and residents

organization: Provincia Autonoma di Trento e Comune di Avio