Witches at the castle

Cultural exhibitions and events , Guided tour - suitable for children , families
[ https://museodellaguerra.it ]

Rosemary is a young fairy who is tired of her fairy world and the rules imposed on her to always be perfect. She has heard that there are some clumsy and unkempd witches living in the Rovereto Castle who could help her. Who knows if, with a bit of luck, Rosemary will manage to find them among the towers and tunnels of the fortress. To find it out, you just need to take part in the guided tour with theatrical performance by the Compagnia delle Api Operose, scheduled for Saturday 11 February.

• Activity for children aged 5 - 10.

•The tour takes place in four shifts at 9.45, 11.30, 14.30 and 16.00 for groups of maximum 15-20 people.

• Booking required by email or by phone:0464 488041; didattica@museodellaguerra.it (by the day before the event)

• Meeting point at the ticket office a few minutes before the start. Punctuality is recommended.

• Children must be accompanied by an adult during the activity

• If you are unable to attend, please inform us in good time by calling tel no. 0464 438100 or by email to didattica@museodellaguerra.it


€ 5 adults, € 5 children, free admission for Museum members and for Membership card Family holders


Didactic secretariat:
tel. +39 0464 488041