XX Lecture on De Gasperi - An autonomy beyond borders

Lectio by Daria de Pretis, Vice President of the Constitutional Court

Meetings and conferences

"History will tell whether we have been right or wrong with this act of faith in autonomy". In the context of a Europe that is once again enclosing itself within its borders and witnessing the crisis of democratic participation, the act of faith with which in 1948 Alcide De Gasperi greeted the Statute of Autonomy of Trentino Alto Adige/Südtirol seems to define a concrete alternative that is still very relevant today. A proposal to which the 20th edition of the Lectio degasperiana invites us to look at with renewed attention, calling on the Vice President of the Constitutional Court Daria de Pretis to reread the degasperian vision of Autonomy in a perspective of openness to the complexity of social and institutional relations. Interweaving history and law, coexistence and self-determination, past and future.