Archaeology Summer 2015: S.A.S.S.

Cultural exhibitions and events
S.A.S.S. strada romana [ Archivio Ufficio beni archeologici PAT]

Going down into the Underground Archaeological Site SASS (“Spazio Archeologico Sotterraneo del Sas”) in the historic centre of Trento, under the Teatro Sociale and Piazza Cesare Battisti, is like travelling back in time by 2,000 years. Here the ancient Tridentum is housed, founded by the Romans in the middle of the 1st century BC to guard the Valle dell'Adige. Along the road you can see the remains of a glassmaker's workshop, mosaic floors, houses with kitchens, a latrine, triclinium, courtyard and well. A little further on, the remains of the ancient boundary stone wall, cobblestones, bricks and a tower, which in Imperial times was also the door that led to the amphitheatre.

 You can also enjoy the multimedia video"Inside Trento", a three-dimensional reconstruction of the archaeological site with virtual reality techniques.


admission ticket: 2,50 €;  reduced price ticket: 1,50 €; free entrance for visitors up to 14 years of age and for visitors in possession of Trentino Guest Card

organization: Provincia autonoma di Trento Soprintendenza per i beni culturali Ufficio beni archeologici