Associazione Filarmonica Rovereto - Concert Season 2015/2016

This Autumn falls the 94th year of activity of the Associazione Filarmonica di Rovereto, and to celebrate this occasion it offers a festival which will bring to the stage both great names of classical music and local artists, to value the territory to which it is bound already from 1921.

Music , Classical music concert
Sala Filarmonica []

The opening recital is performed by the Scottish pianist Steven Osborne, who will include in his repertoire music by Schubert, Debussy and Rachmaninov. The season will then feature guests like a piano recital and string quartet, a piano trio and a duo piano-violin. As regards the woodwinds the events offered are two flute concerts, that will lead us to the spearhead of the season: the concert of Solisti di San Pietroburgo (St. Petersburg Soloists), which feature a rare example of vocal accompaniment.
Welcome guest and comeback is the Quartetto Prazac (Prazac Quartet) from Prague, and to follow the Ars Trio di Roma concert.
Great names will complete the wealth of this season, which will accompany the audience through a journey into music ranging from 700/800 one to contemporary, brought to the stage with pleasant and innovative performances.
The association proudly hosts a young local talent like the violinist Francesca Temporini, as well as Clara and Dora Novic who will perform the music of their father J. Novac.

 Concert Season brochure 2015-16.pdf 




Season tickets renewal and seats reconfirmation
of the previous season and deposit of the membership fee at Civica Scuola Musicale Riccardo Zandonai (entrance from vicolo Parolari) on Monday 12 October, 09.00-12.00
New Season tickets and memberships
at Civica Scuola Musicale Riccardo Zandonai (entrance from vicolo Parolari) on Tuesday 13 October, 9.00-12.00
For those who can't go to the school in the above-written days it will be possible to sign up for the season 2015/16 at the seat of Associazione Filarmonica di Rovereto in Corso Rosmini in these days:
Wednesday 14, Thursday 15, Friday 16 October, 10.00-12.00.


16 chamber-music concerts  
Full price € 130,00
Reduced price (until 26 years old and over 65) € 105,00

The season ticket includes the reservation for the entire season of a single seat, both at Sala Filarmonica and Teatro Zandonai.
The season ticket for the 2015-2016 season of Associazione Filarmonica di Rovereto authorises the reduced price admission for the Theatre Season of Comune di Rovereto.

It's possible to sign up at every time of the year and therefore to enjoy the reduced price admission to the concerts until the end of the season.

Membership fee € 20,00
Meritorious member, starting from € 50,00


Full price € 18,00
Reduced price (over 65 and members) € 12,00
Young (from 20 to 26 years old) €   8,00
Special (until 19 years old) €   1,00
Seats and central boxes € 18,00
Balcony and side boxes € 12,00
Gallery (Loggione) €   8,00
Special (until 19 years old) €   1,00

organization: Associazione Filarmonica Rovereto