Christmas at the Fiavé Pile dwelling Museum 2022

Meetings and conferences , Workshop
ph. C_Dallago

Extraordinary openings at the Fiavé Pile dwelling Museum in December: it will be open on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays (except for 25 December) from 13.00 to 18.00. To enrich the experience, the museum offers a calendar of workshops for families and recreational activities for adults to learn about the ancient techniques and knowledge of our ancestors (of 3,500 years ago), trying them out for themselves. 

The initiatives, aimed at enhancing the archaeological heritage of Fiavé, are organised by the Educational Services of the Archaeological Heritage Office of the Department for Cultural Heritage and carried out in collaboration with the Ecomuseum of Judicaria and the Library of the Giudicarie Esteriori Valley.


Free admission, booking required by tel. no. 3351578640. 

Admission to the museum is not included: full price ticket € 3,50; reduced price ticket € 2,50; free admission for children up to the age of 14; reductions with Museum Pass and Trentino Guest Card