Dicastelloincastello." When women began to compose"

Six concerts organised in collaboration with the Associazione Chaminade and the Centro Servizi Culturali S. Chiara

Notturno, loggia del Romanino [ Archivio fotografico Castello del Buonconsiglio Monumenti e collezioni provinciali – tutti i diritti riservati- ”]

The figure of the woman has always been associated with art, but in most cases only as a muse and very rarely as an artist.Particularly in past centuries, women were not considered authoritative enough to create art. Women were rarely identified as the creators of an artistic product, be it a painted canvas or a sculpture, an inlaid piece of furniture, a tapestry, a mosaic or, equally, a musical work.

With a view to promoting women as artists, in conjunction with the exhibition at the Castello del Buonconsiglio devoted to "Fede Galizia. Mirabile pittoressa", one of the few painters of Trentino origin to have achieved fame and fortune, together with Artemisia Gentileschi, Sofonisba Anguissola and Lavinia Fontana, the museum, in collaboration with the Chaminade Association, will be organising a series of concerts during the summer to highlight female artists and musicians.

The public will be offered a largely unknown perspective on classical music composed by women from the 16th century to the present day.


The concerts will take place at 20.45 in the Loggia di Romanino. Free admission, booking required.

Free admission; restricted access. Booking required at www.centrosantachiara.it. After inserting your data you'll receive a QR code that you need to show at the gate to access the chosen event. 

Each user can book up to 4 tickets at the same time, providing the details of each user.

For information and help with bookings, call the freephone number 800013952 at the Teatro Auditorium ticket office, open Monday to Saturday (Mon 14.00-18.00, Tue-Sat 10.00-13.00, 14.00-18.00).