Drodesera > Hydroelectric power station in Fies
Performing Art Festival
Avantgarde dance and theatre festival
The Fies hydro-electric power station, one of the most important examples of industrial archaeology in the region, is a factory of art that has reduced its electrical energy production. The Festival drodesera FIES, which for the past seven years has animated the building thanks to a partnership with the Enel, hosts installations, videos, performances, meetings, workshops and exhibitions. The various rooms provide space for production projects, companies and dressing rooms, sets for video, network and communication material.
The Festival does not follow fashion or trends, but creates them and has been working for twenty-eight years with important groups in the Italian and foreign show world. Today it concentrates on productions and projects able to develop new realities in the Italian panorama, discovering young companies and different ways of increasing the free circuit of new arts. The transformation of the old power station into a theatrical centre fits into a region with a lack of adequate structures, in an area far from the great metropolises, which tends to be isolated and treated as marginal by the cultural and social currents that invest in the large towns giving sap, movement and renewal to things.
Source: www.gardatrentino.it
organization: Il Gaviale