European Landscape Day 2017
Tenth year
For the tenth year now, the European Landscape Day represents for the Ecomuseum Network of Trentino an important moment of communion and celebration for the local communities and an opportunity to meditate on the collective cultural and landscape heritage.
Inaugurated in 2007 on the proposal of the National Network of Ecomuseums, the Landscape Days aim atsupporting and encouraging the numerous experiences carried out by the various ecomuseums of Italy and Europe to protect and enhance the “everyday landscape”.
In particular, the Ecomuseums aim at responding to the appeal launched by the European Landscape Convention to contribute to the "protection, management and planning" of the landscape; they address "each individual" in order to reinforce and foster the sense of responsibility of both the single citizen and his community towards the environmental, cultural and social context in which they live.
organization: Provincia Autonoma di Trento, Ecomusei del Trentino