Feste Vigiliane 2017
The city on the river
Dedicated to San Vigilio, the patron saint of Trento, the Feste Vigiliane offer historical re-enactments in costume, as well as gourmet and recreational events and initiatives (34th edition)
“Feste Vigiliane” denominates the festival in which Trento celebrates its patron saint S. Vigilius with games, music, entertainment and historical reenactments.
Trento will be a stage spread throughout the urban spaces, yet the key events will take place in the main squares of the city: Piazza Duomo and Piazza Cesare Battisti, Piazza S. Maria Maggiore and the district Le Albere; the latter will propose different events which are in part related to the specific topic of the Festival this year: the city on the river.
The opening parade and the ceremony of the Feste Vigiliane will get the programme started, and music, entertainment and many events will frame the following traditional rendez-vous:
Tribunale di penitenza: the trial is an entertaining theatrical performance by a famous comedian; acting as a judge, he condemns the culprits, who will be sentenced to the “Dunking”, a bath in the river Adige;
Palio dell’Oca: 61 crews take part in the competition and each one has to overcome a wave of obstacles and various challenges;
Tonca: the culprit, who was condemned by the “Tribunale di Penitenza”, is confined in a cage and dipped in the icy waters of the river Adige in order to clean his sins. Ths is a historical reconstruction of a corporal punishment that was inflicted on blasphmers in Trento between the 14th and the 17th century;
Mascherada dei Ciusi e dei Gobj: this parade in costume is the historical reconstruction of the ancient feud between Trento and Feltre, that was fought in order to conquer the esteemed “polenta” (corn mush);
Fuochi di S. Vigilio: grand finale with the St. Vigilius Fireworks.
Last but not least, the Magica Notte (Magic Night) will spread its energy and enthusiasm all over the streets of the old town centre and in the district Le Albere.
Further information:
Azienda per il Turismo Trento, Monte Bondone e Valle dei Laghi
phone: +39 0461 216000
Email: informazioni@apt.trento.it
organization: Centro servizi culturali S. Chiara