Festival Trentino Jazz 2016
A great Jazz Festival, which takes place almost all over the year in the province of Trento

Recently the Autonomous Province of Trento has encouraged the growth and coordination of the subjects, who independently and passionately set up an agenda of prestigious events about Jazz music, taking place almost all over the year in the province of Trento.
From the Dolomites to Lake Garda, from Trento to the Valsugana, from the Vallagarina to the Valli di Non and di Sole, thematic concerts as well as music production, experimentation and didactic activities follow one after the other over the year.
A great provincial Festival, which involves the associations of the territory and offers an agenda of events that will thrill local people and tourists all over the year.
Info 345 0473951 events in Valsugana
Info 0463 424310 events in Val di Non
Info 349 0542909 events in Val Lagarina
Info 0462 609500 events in Val di Fassa
organization: Trentino Jazz