Festival of Trentino's Castles 2020

The magical castles of Trentino become the exceptional setting for a series of musical events, suitable for all ages and tastes.


- Castello del Buonconsiglio - Trento
- Castel Beseno - Besenello
- Castel Caldes - Caldes
- Castello di Stenico - Stenico
- Castel Thun - Vigo di Ton

▸ 14 October at 20.30 - Castello del Buonconsiglio - ArciTrio

▸ 15 October at 20.30 - Castello del Buonconsiglio - Cecilia Harp

▸ 16 October at 20.30 - Castello del Buonconsiglio - Mario Cagol

▸ 17 October at 16.00 - Castel Beseno - Arisa

▸ 18 October at 16.00 - Castel Beseno - Aporcifi e Rovereto Wind Orchestra

▸ 18 October at 16.00 - Castel Caldes - Il Tamburo del Sole

▸ 24 October at 15.30 - Castello di Stenico - Coro Altre Terre

▸ 24 October at 15.30 - Castel Thun - Banda Osiris

▸ 25 October at 15.30 - Castello di Stenico - La Principessa Rapita (The Kidnapped Princess)

▸ 25 October at 15.30 - Castel Thun - Raphael Gualazzi

▸ 30 October at 20.30 - Castel Caldes - Barbara Bertoldi

▸ 31 October at 15.30 - Castel Stenico - Lucio Gardin

▸ 31 October at 15.30 - Castel Caldes - Nella Vecchia Fattoria (In the Old Farm)

For the detailed programme follow the link: www.festivaldeicastellitrentini.it


Free admission

To take part in the free shows you will have to book a seat on the website www.buonconsiglio.it  (booking is possible from Wednesday 7 October) or call the number 0461 492811, from Monday to Friday 9.00 – 13.00 and 14.00 -16.00: booking is required to access the shows

Paid events

To access the paid events, it is necessary to buy presale tickets in advance on www.primiallaprima.it


To ensure participation in safety and respect of anti-covid protocols, activities are reserved for small groups.

- Face coverings and social distancing are needed;

- follow the indicated routes, respect the indications provided by the signs and the museum staff;

- sanitise and wash your hands often