Grande Prosa (The Great Prose) - Theatre season 2019-2020
The new programme of the 2019/2020 season, curated this year by Francesco Nardelli, director of the Centro Servizi Culturali S. Chiara, brings ten titles of the great Italian theatre to the Teatro Sociale and the Teatro Cuminetti (only the last show). The leitmotiv is the theatre as a mirror of contemporaneity.
Among the guests, famous authors of the past, compared with well-known authors of thre contemporary theatre, and some of the most famous personalities of the stage and the big screen as Alessandro Haber, Anna Foglietta, Paolo Calabresi, Sergio Rubini, Luigi Lo Cascio, Elio De Capitani and Natalino Balasso.
Presale tickets:
organization: Centro servizi culturali S. Chiara