Invisibile Generations on Tour
We are not a lost generation, we are a generation that looks for new opportunities
Spazio Elementare
with Marco Ottolini, Paola Tintinelli, Valentina Scuderi or Corinna Grandi and Federico Vivaldi
Survey, Text and Direction Carolina Calle Casanova
Scenic design by Ilaria Bassoli and Davide Vivaldi
Music by Marcello Gori
Technician in tour Luca Brun and Elisa Campoverde
Costume design Sara Gazzini
Set photos Chiara Zeni
Visual Communication Dario Serio
Communication Manager Arianna Mosca
We all know someone who has left, for Europe or other continents.
Children, grandchildren, friends migrate again to find a job, and to plan their life.
In the Virtual Age, the emigration of the young people seems to be just the tip of an unexplored iceberg; under water a change is taking place, and our children will be its protagonists.
Invisible Generations is a grotesque and punk comedy that tells us about this change, which nowadays is called "brain drain".
Corinna Grandi will be substituting for Valentina Scuderi on some dates of the tour.
Even if you haven't seen yet the comedy “Invisibili Generazioni”, you can leave us a feedback about the new emigration, just like spectators do after the show.
The comedy is about two young brothers who are building their future:
- Davide chooses to leave, to make his dreams come true in a foreign country
- Marco does not want to leave his world, and remains in Italy to cope with a reality that is not always easy
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It matters to us, thanks for your collaboration
L’Ufficio Emigrazione della Provincia Autonoma di Trento
(Emigration Office of the Autonomous Province of Trento)
organization: Spazio Elementare - Trento