Jazz' About 2019/2020

The most innovative and contaminated Jazz arrives in Trento and Rovereto

Music , Jazz concert
Jazz about [ https://www.centrosantachiara.it/centro-santa-chiara/news/cs-jazzabout-prima-parte-2019-20]

Jazz'About, festival curated once again this year by Denis Longhi, has now become an essential event for a more in-depth view on the contemporary scene.

What's more, the festival pays particular attention to the youngest audience, thanks to an inclusive programme that in recent years has recorded important numbers of participation


€ 20 / 25 

Information about presale tickets

Online purchase:  € 15 / 20; 

Reduced price ticket for university students and for under 26s: € 12 / 15

organization: Centro Servizi Culturali Santa Chiara